Jun 1, 2023 | Child relocation, Spain
INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC RELOCATION By Amparo Arbaizar It is very difficult to obtain a relocation order by the Spanish Courts, especially if one of the parents is Spanish and therefore the child is Spanish too with an extended family living in Spain. It is uncommon...
May 12, 2023 | Child relocation, Home-blog, Spain
Request for child relocation under Spanish law What is the appropriate procedure to request a relocation of a child under Spanish Law? 1. Civil Procedural Scope In Spanish procedural Act there are two different procedures to request a relocation. In principle...
Dec 12, 2022 | Blog, Child abduction, Spain
La defensa del menor en los procedimientos de restitución en España En el ordenamiento jurídico español no se conoce la figura del “tutor ad litem” en los procedimientos de restitución ni en otros procesos familiares, como medidas de responsabilidad parental. Esto no...
Oct 17, 2022 | Child abduction, Spain
The defense of the child in Spanish return proceedings In the Spanish legal system, the guardian ad litem is not used in abduction cases nor in any other family conflicts, as parental responsibility orders. This doesn’t mean the child is not protected nor defended at...
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