Jun 20, 2023 | Blog, Child abduction, Spain case law
Protective measures (Brussels II ter Regulation) THE REGULATION (EU) 2019/1111 OF THE COUNCIL of June 25th, 2019, on the jurisdiction, recognition, and enforcement of decisions on matrimonial matters, parental responsibility, and international child abduction (recast)...
Jun 7, 2023 | Blog, Brazil, Child relocation, Home-blog
Child Relocation to Brazil What to Consider Before Allowing Your Ex to Move Your Child to Brazil? Reasons for relocation A parent may allow their child to relocate to Brazil for various reasons. A possible scenario is a family crisis, such as a sudden illness...
May 11, 2023 | Blog, Child abduction, Home-blog, UK - England and Wales
Stranded spouses by Mani Singh Basi, barrister in London, UK Cases concerning ‘stranded spouses’ often relate to the relocation of children or to international child abduction. Handling these cases can involve: – passport orders – disclosure...
May 8, 2023 | Blog, Child abduction, Home-blog, Martine Wernsen
What is the habitual residence of a child? In an international child abduction procedure, a parent must deliver proof of the habitual residence of the child. European Court of Justice According to the European Court of Justice, a child’s place of habitual residence is...
Apr 27, 2023 | Blog, Child abduction, Home-blog, Poland
The voice of the child in proceedings in Poland There is no guardian ad litem in Polish legal system. Neither in parental abduction cases nor in family cases. Abducted child’s interest in Hague convention cases is compulsorily represented by the prosecutor. The...
Mar 19, 2023 | Blog, Child abduction, U.S.
U.S. Government Programs to Prevent Child Abduction There are two key U.S. government programs designed to prevent a parent’s abduction of their child. Prevent Abduction program The first program is the Prevent Abduction program. The United States has no exit...
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