Apr 27, 2023 | Blog, Child abduction, Home-blog, Poland
The voice of the child in proceedings in Poland There is no guardian ad litem in Polish legal system. Neither in parental abduction cases nor in family cases. Abducted child’s interest in Hague convention cases is compulsorily represented by the prosecutor. The...
Mar 19, 2023 | Blog, Child abduction, U.S.
U.S. Government Programs to Prevent Child Abduction There are two key U.S. government programs designed to prevent a parent’s abduction of their child. Prevent Abduction program The first program is the Prevent Abduction program. The United States has no exit...
Dec 13, 2022 | Blog, Child abduction, Mert Yalçin, Turkey
Türkiye’de adli vasi: Turk hukuk sisteminde kayyum atanması bazı davalarda uygulanmaktadır, özellikle eğer çocuk Türk mahkemeleri önündeki davanın bir tarafı ise ve bu özel davalar genellikle 4721 sayılı Türk Medeni Kanunu’nda düzenlenmiştir. Türk Medeni...
Dec 12, 2022 | Blog, Child abduction, Spain
La defensa del menor en los procedimientos de restitución en España En el ordenamiento jurídico español no se conoce la figura del “tutor ad litem” en los procedimientos de restitución ni en otros procesos familiares, como medidas de responsabilidad parental. Esto no...
Apr 25, 2022 | Blog, Child abduction, Home-blog, Martine Wernsen, The Netherlands case law
Intolerable situation Appel court of The Hague, February 10, 2022 The parents have joint custody of the 11-year-old son. In 2013, the court determined that his primary residence is with the mother and that he will be with his father for a weekend every other week, as...
Apr 21, 2022 | Blog, Child relocation, Home-blog, Martine Wernsen
Should I ask my child for her opinion? If you are thinking about moving, you may want to include your child’s opinion. It is wise to think carefully about this possibility before you begin that conversation. For starters, you need to ask yourself what you will...
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