Feb 9, 2023 | Child abduction, Habitual residence, UK - England and Wales case law
By Forum Shah, Dawson Cornwell – London, UK Family Court, London, UK July 29 2022, WC2A2LL The team from Dawson Cornwell reprisented the applicant father in this case. The father, a Spanish and British national, sought the return of a child aged 4 to the Kingdom...
Dec 13, 2022 | Blog, Child abduction, Mert Yalçin, Turkey
Türkiye’de adli vasi: Turk hukuk sisteminde kayyum atanması bazı davalarda uygulanmaktadır, özellikle eğer çocuk Türk mahkemeleri önündeki davanın bir tarafı ise ve bu özel davalar genellikle 4721 sayılı Türk Medeni Kanunu’nda düzenlenmiştir. Türk Medeni...
Dec 12, 2022 | Blog, Child abduction, Spain
La defensa del menor en los procedimientos de restitución en España En el ordenamiento jurídico español no se conoce la figura del “tutor ad litem” en los procedimientos de restitución ni en otros procesos familiares, como medidas de responsabilidad parental. Esto no...
Dec 5, 2022 | Carolina Marín Pedreño, Child abduction, Chile
For the first time a Hague Convention case reaches the UN Committee on the rights of the Child. Carolina Marín Pedreño and Mani Singh Basi wrote a case note about this case. The case is about the connection between return orders and article 3 CRC. The article was...
Dec 4, 2022 | Child abduction, UK - England and Wales case law
The child came to the UK because of the war in Ukraine. The child is 5 years old and he has the British and Ukranian nationality. His father lives in London and his mother lives in Ukraine. Because of the war with Russia, the mother and the child came to England in...
Oct 18, 2022 | Child abduction, Turkey
In Turkish legal system, the guardian ad litem is applicable in some of the cases, especially if the child is a party of the case held before Turkish Courts and these specific cases are generally determined in the Turkish Civil Code numbered 4721. According to Article...
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