Eniko Fulop
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I am Eniko Fulop, a private international lawyer with more than 18 years of experience. I have master’s degree in international law, and more than 40 international family law cases, I also assisted many clients with international transactions.
Family law is more than law, is a life mission for me, the first time I dealt with an abduction case I realized that the role we are playing has such a huge importance in the family life, in the child’s future and I get very involved with each case I represent, as it is the mark we leave in other people’s life.

Relevant experiences and positions

After 13 years of corporate law I started to focus in the last 7 years on international family law, having more than 40 cases in the last years, and having a 90% winning ratio in all these cases. My life mission is helping children through law and placing them in an environment which is beneficial for their health, growth, security.
I am also involved with international NGO-s, UK’s Globalark and I am the first lawyer from Romania who is under admission to the International Academy of Family Lawyers, being in close collaboration with them in the last 3 years and speaking from Romania’s part in their Ibiza conference in October 2022.
Some personal questions
Why is it interesting for you as a lawyer to work on these cases?
They are the most challenging emotionally, physically, sometimes you must be also a very good psychiatrist to stop parents not to prejudice the trial, but when we resolve a case and place the child in a safe and secured place the satisfaction felt, the emotions experienced that we are here for serve something bigger, is just worth it.
What is your (practical) advice to parents, to make relocation easier for a child?
To really consider all aspects prior before relocation, to have at least a legal consultation as otherwise is possible wake up with all sort of administrative problems they are not prepared for, and could have been better handled before the relocation.
What makes a child abduction case different from other cases?
Many things- international aspects, governments involved sometimes at a very high level, Foreign Ministry involved, Ministry of Justice involved, District of Attorney, everything is on the highest level, plus parents’ emotions, not to mention that all cases being judged under Hague Convention requires a high level of concentration from all parties, as we are used to national legislation, but in these cases international conventions apply priory and exactly .
Which cases are you most concerned with?
All which includes international family law- Abduction, Custodies, Presidential Ordinance for urgency measures, Exequatur, Adoption, C Child Support, Divorce, Enforcement Property Division, Parentage/Paternity, Pre-nuptial/Post-nuptial Agreements, Relocation/Removal from Jurisdiction.
What would you like to say to judges who handle these cases?
Think out of the box, apply the principle of child’s best interest, not just the law.

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Eniko Fulop