One week service
In a case of child abduction, time is of the essence. And it is important to have a good strategy. You probably want to know as soon as possible whether it is important to invest in communication and negotiations, and whether your case is suitable for a procedure.
What can you expect in one week?
In child abduction, time is precious. For example, because a child gets used to the new environment over time and may not want to return to their country of origin after a while. Or because the child has to miss the social contacts in the country of origin and becomes isolated.
It is therefore important that you act quickly and that your lawyer ensures that you quickly know what your chances are of returning the child to the country of origin. The lawyers mentioned on this website have all dedicated themselves to providing the ‘one week service’.
Within one week you will know:
- which documents are relevant
- what information is relevant
- whether there is a chance that a return order for your child can be given by the court
- how to gather proof to support your request or your defences
- whether or not you need to contact a lawyer in the country where your child is currently residing
Ather that you can discuss:
- whether or not to file a request through the Central Authority or directly to the court
- how to quickly restore contact with the children
- how to weigh everyone’s interests in terms of the removal and the desired order of return
- whether there are opportunities to propose appropriate solutions with some creativity and flexibility
- whether you are open for mediation.
The lawyer of your choice can tell you if you need a lawyer in the country of origin or in the country where your child is currently residing. In the latter case, you can communicate directly with the lawyer in the other country or choose to be accompanied in this process by a lawyer from your own country.
How to prepare?
To prepare to work with an attorney, you can gather, complete and submit the following information:
- the intake form
A form with all relevant names, dates, addresses, etc.
- list of relevant documents
A list of relevant documents that you may already have, or that need to be requested, such as proof of nationality, marriage certificate, school registration, etc.
- extensive questionnaire
This questionnaire can help your attorney get a good picture of the situtation and prepare you for possible mediation.