Agnieszka Swaczyna
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I have a degree in Law from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. I have been an attorney since 2003 and a member of the District Bar Council in Cracow.
I specialize in family law, including parental child abduction cases (Hague Convention of 1980). I lead workshops for trainee attorneys at the District Bar Council in Cracow since 2014.
I am also a family mediator and have an interest in making the law more accessible to the public, which I do on my blogs: blogrozwod.pl and childabductionblog.pl

Relevant experiences and positions

I have been leading child abduction cases since 2014. I have had an opportunity to represent Clients before courts all over Poland but also in Brussels (in cooperation with my Belgian colleague). I attend workshops and conferences concerning international family law and 1980 Hague convention. I am a member of LEPCA.
I have been interested in family law since the beginning of my work as an attorney in 2003. About 10 years ago I have decided to focus on family cases only which allowed me to collect knowledge and experience on this field. I am proud my efford is seen by my colleagues and clients. The effort has been recognized. Just now my attornay office the firm was ranked among the best law firms in Poland. In the category of family law firms, our law firm is among 4 others for all of Poland. I take this award as a commitment to continue working in the interest of our customers.
Some personal questions
When did you first handle a child abduction case?
About 2014/2015.
Why is it interesting for you as a lawyer to work on these cases?
I believe one parent should not decide about a child’s future without other parent’s consent. There are a lot of possibilities to help families to find a solution or use the Hague conventions to prepare a basis for a discussion and taking a responsibility for a child.
What makes a child abduction case different from other cases?
It goes quickly and has very narrow scope of interest.
Which child abduction case will you never forget?
The fist one I have led – I have represented a left behind father. A child has pretended not to know the father but after the return to Germany he could not leave the father’s lap. Every beginning of a year my client sends me new photo of his son. That’s a reward in itself.
What do you think is important to do or not do as an attorney in child abduction cases?
It is good to understand that case would not solve any family problems. In my opinion an attorney should explain a party to try to find an agreement. If it is not possible an attorney should prove conditions of the Hague convention was met (or not met – depending on which party I represent).