Nuno Cardoso-Ribeiro
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Nuno is an international family and divorce lawyer since 2000.
He is a fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL), member of the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) and of Asociación Internacional de Juristas de Derecho de Familia (AIJUDEFA).
Nuno was a founder and is presently the chairman of the board of the Portuguese AAFC – Family and Children’s Lawyers Association.
He is a frequent speaker in several events and courses where he lectures on family law.
Nuno regularly writes about divorce and family law on Público (Portuguese main national newspaper) and he is the co-author of the family law book “(Quase) Todas as Minutas da Jurisdição da Família, Crianças e Jovens e seu Enquadramento Jurídico”

Relevant experiences and positions

Nuno has been Registered with the Portuguese Bar Association since 2000.
He is also a postgraduate in Family Law (FDUL) and administrative litigation (UCP).
Aside from his main practice as a family and divorce lawyer, he is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of AAFC – Family and Children’s Lawyers Association, Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers, a member of the Union Internationale des Avocats and Asociación Internacional de Juristas de Derecho de Familia (AIJUDEFA)
Some personal questions
Why is it interesting for you as a lawyer to work on these cases?
As a family lawyer I’m able to make a difference in people’s lives. And child abduction cases are no exception. The future and wellbeing of the children involved are at stake in many of these cases and they constitute a tremendous responsibility for us lawyers.
Helping families and children in cases that bring up very sensitive topics and aspects of people’s lives is undoubtedly one of the most satisfying aspects of my work.
What makes an international child abduction case different from other cases?
Child abduction cases involve several jurisdictions, and a number of international conventions. They require navigating complex connections between different countries, authorities and regulations. This requires on our part a deep understanding of national and international regulations.
Most child abduction cases represent significant changes in a child’s life. It is our duty and responsibility to ensure that the outcome corresponds to the child’s best interests.
What do you think is important to do or not do as an attorney in international child abduction cases?
Time is of the essence in child abduction cases, so we must guarantee our team has the flexibility to act swiftly and without delay 24/7, 365 days a year.
Being cases where multiple jurisdictions are at play, it is important to have a network of family lawyers around the globe which can advise on their respective legislations or even act on their respective jurisdictions whenever necessary. Being involved in international family lawyers associations and events is mandatory.
Child abduction cases have the potential to introduce very significant changes in children lives. This means that family lawyers must always privilege consensual solutions in favor of outcomes that are dictated by family courts.
How do you ensure good cooperation with the parent in a child abduction case?
A family lawyer must have the sensibility to understand that a parent involved in a child abduction case is probably on the most difficult phase of his/her life. The possibility of having a son or daughter living in a foreign country and with limited opportunities of contact has to be very frightening. Little objectivity can be expected from a parent who is dealing with a case like this.
Lawyers must have the ability to reliably inform parents of the procedures involved, expected timeframes and possible outcomes.
Family lawyers must understand the challenges of working with a parent in such a difficult situation and must be prepared to support him 24/7, 365 days a year. A stable and functioning parent means a happy child, and that is what we should aim for.
What can people do to support the children during these proceedings?
Children involved in child abduction cases often find themselves in very difficult situations. It must be ensured that children have the necessary support from their parents, first and foremost, or other caretakers, and if necessary have access to psychological help.
The family lawyer shall work with his Client in order to ensure that he is able to function adequately and give his or her child the support they need.